Worship With Us
Worship services are held every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. in person and on our YouTube channel.
Worship at Sylvania United Church of Christ is traditional but creative in its liturgy, form, music, and style. We seek to find ways to worship which fit the season, the Scripture, and the day.
Worship at Sylvania United Church of Christ is communal, participatory, and seeks to engage with the world around us.
Taize Services
On the third Thursday of every month, we offer a worship service at 7 p.m. in person (online only during winter months)
and on our YouTube Channel, styled after the Taize community in France.
This worship is centered on singing meditation songs and periods of silence for prayer and reflection.
Communion & Baptism
On the first Sunday of every month, we celebrate the Sacrament of Communion during the worship service. When communion is taken in person in the sanctuary, all of the bread is gluten-free. When taken during our livestream services, we invite you to gather your own communion elements at home.
We are an open table. Jesus excluded no one and neither will we. This means that if a parent wishes for their child to receive communion, we will respect that wish. Likewise, if a parent wishes to withhold communion until their child is of a certain age, we will respect those wishes also. Everyone who wants to partake in communion may participate…those with no faith, little faith, or great faith. All are welcome at the table. Baptisms are celebrated as requested. Please contact the church office for more information.
Any changes involving Sunday in-person worship due to COVID-19 will be made during the week.
Please contact the office with any questions: church@sylvaniaucc.org or 419-882-0048.
COVID-19 Protocols specific to Sylvania UCC:
At this time we have no Covid restrictions. However, each person may choose to mask and/or maintain social distancing and each person’s decision will be respected. The Covid Committee regularly monitors our area’s Covid status and will make recommendations and implement protocols as needed.