Congregational Life and Health Ministries (including Mental Health ministries)

Congregational Life

Building community is at the heart of the activities of the Congregational Life Board. Activities include “Coffee Hour” on Sunday mornings in the gathering area after worship, the annual All-Church Picnic, group outing to a MudHens game, mini golf, and golf outings. The Congregational Life board also supports Faith Formation activities including Advent Beginnings and the Epiphany Dinner.

Health Ministries

Health Ministries Board seeks to promote a life of wellness and wholeness through health-related education and compassionate support of the congregation and beyond. The Health Ministries Board consists of several subcommittees including:

 Mental Health Committee. This committee raises awareness around issues of mental health and wellness. Key to this committee’s activities include educational programs to reduce the stigma around mental health issues and to address specific issues relevant to the time. The Mental Health committee also raises  issues around mental health through worship. This includes an annual Blue Christmas service to support those who find the holiday period less than joyful. It also includes dedicating at least annually a Mental Health awareness Sunday, typically in May. The Mental Health committee supports wellness activities within the congregation including Chair Yoga and Tai Chi.

Food for Love. Committee members prepare meals that can be frozen and used to support families in crisis. The food is available to share by any member of the congregation.

Caring Partners. This committee is a visitation ministry to those who are unable to participate in the life of the church as fully as they wish due to limited mobility.

 Prayer Shawl group. This group meets monthly to support the prayer shawl ministry of the church. Completed prayer shawls are available to any in the congregation to share with those in need of such support. Shawls are also shared with the Victory Center, a community-based cancer support center.

To get involved, please contact the church office