It can be intimidating to try out a new place.
Here’s some information that will hopefully put you at ease.

What time is worship?
We invite you to join us every Sunday at 10 a.m. for worship in-person or online via our church’s YouTube channel.
What is worship like?
You’ll find that our worship services are traditional. We have a chancel choir, a bell choir, and a praise team leading worship on different Sundays. We often sing hymns and enjoy talented musicians on piano, organ, and wind instruments. Our pastors provide a sermon during each service. The 10:00 a.m. worship service typically lasts one hour.
How is communion handled?
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month during worship. Gluten-free bread is available. If you’re worshipping at home online, we invite you to bring your own communion elements to the livestream worship service. We practice an open table. Jesus excluded no one and neither will we. This means that if a parent wishes for their child to receive communion, we will respect that wish. Likewise, if a parent wishes to withhold communion until their child is of a certain age, we will respect that wish also. Everyone who wants to partake in communion may participate…those with no faith, little faith, or great faith. All are welcome at the table.
What makes Sylvania UCC different?
Although we offer traditional worship, our theology is progressive. We take the Bible seriously but not literally. We are called to steward God’s creation. We affirm that everyone is a child of God.
What does “Open and Affirming” mean?
“Open and Affirming” (ONA) means that, as a UCC church, we have made a public covenant of welcome to persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions (LGBTQA) into the full life and ministry of our church. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. We encourage you to read the full ONA statement we adopted on May 4, 2014.
What does the comma mean?
You’ll see the comma in our logo, on our shirts we wear for Toledo Pride, and in several other places. The comma means that we believe that God is Still Speaking, and that we shouldn’t place a period where God has placed a comma. The comma is also a symbol for the United Church of Christ, the denomination to which we belong.
What does being a WISE congregation mean?
In January 2020, Sylvania UCC voted to become a WISE congregation, which means we seek to provide a warm welcome, promote inclusion, and offer support for all who live with mental health challenges. As a congregation, we seek to be WISE about mental health. Sylvania UCC is open, accepting, and supportive of individuals facing mental health challenges