Our 2022 Stewardship Campaign is themed: Rooted in Love, Growing Forward in Faith.
We believe that we are called to give from our time, talent, and treasure. There are many volunteer opportunities, music ministries, and faith formation activities at Sylvania United Church of Christ for giving of your time and talent. Our Volunteer page is under construction and will be added soon!
For giving of your treasure, there are multiple options as well.
Giving of Tithes and Offerings
During our worship services, we pass offering plates to collect monetary donations to fund the operations, staff, programs, and outreach of our church. You can give online, by texting “Give Now” to 419-314-4060, via check, or cash. A tithe refers to giving 10% of one’s income. There is no requirement that any monetary gift of any specific amount be given to the church. We give out of thanksgiving for what we have been given.
Gifts & Memorials Fund
The Sylvania UCC Gifts & Memorials Fund has been established by those who give a financial donation in honor or memory of a loved one. Please contact the church office for more information.
Endowment Fund
In 1989, Sylvania United Church of Christ established an Endowment Fund. The purpose of the fund is to enhance the mission and ministry of Sylvania UCC apart from the general operation of the congregation. Gifts made to the fund are conservatively invested by a five member Endowment Committee elected by the congregation. The annual interest from the fund is distributed evenly between outreach to the community, outreach for the wider mission of the UCC, capital expenditures for the Sylvania UCC, and at the discretion of the Church Cabinet. Typically, donations are made to the fund by Life Insurance, Gift by Will, Life Income Trust, or Gift Annuity; however, any other forms of donations are welcome, including a Cash Gift. Please contact the church office for more information.