Adult Education

We recognize that we grow in our relationship with God in every experience of our lives. But we also are intentional about learning more about this relationship through classes, small groups, book studies, and retreats. We learn from the saints of the past and the saints of the present. We learn through listening and speaking. We learn more about God and we learn more about the mystery of God.

The goal of our learning, however, is never just for knowledge. While we seek to provide information and explanation of our faith, the Bible and our world, we seek to offer opportunities that also connect that information to our lives, showing us how to live more faithfully as disciples; and, in all our learning opportunities, offering a community which explores and wrestles together.


Please contact the church office for the Zoom links.

The ongoing Chidester Lecture Series explores what it means to be a Christian in the 21st century.

The Scientists in Congregations Speaker Series in 2012 featured lectures on faith and science.